
Our lives are transformed as we actively take part in fully living our lives with all the fear and heartbreak which become the keys to our healing and transformation when we live our lives compassionately. Care of the soul…appreciates the mystery of human suffering and does not offer the illusion of a problem-free life. It...
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Some thoughts on healing and what it means in our lives. A Course in Miracles All healing is essentially the release from fear. A Course in Miracles Stephen Levine Touching with mercy and loving kindness the pain we all share, we receive the healing we took birth for. Stephen Levine Guided Meditations, Explorations and Healings
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Love is the key to our healing, our trusting and our growing. May we be ever open to living it fully. The heart is an unerring compass within each one of you. The heart knows the soul better than the mind does… The only path that is right for you is the one that is...
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Grief may touch our lives in profound ways and if we are willing to be both gentle and courageous with ourselves and explore it, we can discover our own healing and what it has to teach us. Rumi Your grief for what you’ve lost lifts a mirror up to where you’re bravely working… Jalâl al-Dîn...
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The following quotes speak of ways of truly being present both with ourselves and with others. Enjoy! The Four-Fold Way Show up, or choose to be present. Pay attention to what has heart and meaning. Tell the truth without blame or judgment. Be open to outcome, not attached to outcome. Angeles Arrien The Four-Fold Way:...
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Fear can be so present in our lives without our even knowing it. Here are some quotes that encourage us to face our fears so that we may move beyond them. If we think of this existence of the individual as a larger or smaller room, it appears evident that most people learn to know...
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We are all in relationships in this life together and what we can learn through our relationships with ourself, with our spouses and partners, family and loved ones is ever open. Enjoy! One day I said, “I will go out and look for my enemies” and that day I found no friends. The next day...
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